Choosing the Perfect Podcast Topic: 5 Key Points to Consider

Insights and tips on choosing the perfect podcast topic

Are you considering starting your own podcast but are unsure about which topic would captivate your audience? I've got you covered! In this email, I’m sharing some valuable insights and tips on choosing the perfect podcast topic.

1. Passion: Speak from the Heart

One of the most critical elements in podcasting is genuine passion and interest. Choose a topic that lights a fire in your heart, as this will shine through in your voice and expressions. When you love what you talk about, you engage your listeners, leaving them wanting more. Remember, your authentic enthusiasm will keep you going long-term.

2. Expertise: Become a Trusted Source

Select a topic you have in-depth knowledge and expertise in. If people often seek your advice or ask you questions about a particular subject, that's a clear indication that you should consider it for your podcast. Being an expert on your chosen topic will not only make you a reliable source but also save you from extensive research for every episode.

3. Audience Demand: Find What They Want

To ensure your podcast resonates with potential listeners, consider their interests. Tools like Google Trends, Twitter, or podcast directories can help you identify trending topics and subjects people are actively searching for. By aligning your podcast with audience demand, you increase the chances of attracting a loyal following.

4. Uniqueness: Stand Out from the Crowd

While selecting a topic, aim for uniqueness. Find a perspective or value that sets your podcast apart from others in the same niche. Carve out your own special place in the podcasting world by offering something different. This distinctiveness will make you memorable and keep listeners coming back for more.

5. Longevity: Think Beyond the Trend

Avoid choosing a topic that's only popular momentarily. Instead, focus on subjects that have long-term and sustainable interest. Consider topics that will engage listeners even years down the line. By selecting evergreen content, you ensure your podcast remains relevant and enjoyable for a prolonged period.

If you're unsure where to start or need more guidance, be sure to check out our latest podcast episode above or on your favourite podcasting platform here:

where I dive deeper into these topics. You won't want to miss it!

Feel free to share this newsletter with anyone you think might benefit from these insights. We hope this newsletter helps you choose the perfect podcast topic!

Happy podcasting!


P.S. Have you chosen your podcast topic yet? We'd love to hear what you're passionate about! Share your ideas with us on Twitter [@KatyLiveSimpson] or reply to this email.