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  • Podcast Power: How A Female Entrepreneur Skyrocketed Her Business With These Strategies!

Podcast Power: How A Female Entrepreneur Skyrocketed Her Business With These Strategies!

Can you guess who it is?

Today’s episode is a success story about the female entrepreneur Jenna Kutcher and her podcast "The Gold Digger Podcast". Here are five key things we can learn from her podcasting strategy that helped skyrocket her business.

1) Jenna develops loyal fans by consistently releasing new episodes of her podcast on a regular schedule.

2) Podcasting can work for any industry or business topic area.

3) Jenna converts her podcast listeners into subscribers by offering a new freebie or bonus for downloading each new episode. This gives listeners an incentive to take action after listening.

4) Jenna strategically plans out her episode topics to address common listener objections or questions, shift mindsets, and educate potential customers in preparation for product launches.

5) When first starting out, Jenna asked a company to sponsor and underwrite the production costs of her podcast. This allowed her to launch the podcast without having to pay for it herself upfront, lowering the initial financial barrier to getting her podcast off the ground.

Does this inspire you to go and and create the podcast of your dreams too? It sure does with me!

To watch today’s episode (2 ½ minutes) go to:

Happy podcasting!

love Katy